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New Health Insurance Requirement for Immigrant Visa Applicants Temporarily Halted by Court

New Health Insurance Requirement for Immigrant Visa Applicants Temporarily Halted by Court
On Saturday, November 2, 2019, a judge in the U.S. District Court in the District of Oregon issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) halting the new presidential proclamation on health insurance for immigrant visa applicants from taking effect. The Presidential Proclamation on Health Care, if its policy had taken effect, would have required that all people applying at a U.S Embassy or Consulate abroad for an immigrant visa to the United...
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  1768 Hits
1768 Hits

New Health Insurance Requirements for Immigrant Visa Applicants

New Health Insurance Requirements for Immigrant Visa Applicants
On October 4, 2019, President Trump issued a “Presidential Proclamation on Health Care,” declaring that all people applying for immigrant visas to the United States (processed at U.S. consulates abroad) must demonstrate that they either will be covered by approved health insurance within 30 days of entry or have the financial resources to pay for reasonably foreseeable medical costs. The failure to demonstrate this requirement will result in the denial of...
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3121 Hits

Supreme Court Will Hear Travel Ban Case, Allows Parts to Take Effect in the Meantime

Supreme Court Will Hear Travel Ban Case, Allows Parts to Take Effect in the Meantime
On Monday, June 26, 2017, the Supreme Court of the United States decided it will hear arguments in October on President Trump’s travel ban and that the current executive order can be enforced against individuals who lack “a credible claim of a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States” while they examine the case. The Travel Ban The travel ban, which is sometimes referred to as...
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2699 Hits

Trump Issues New Executive Order Banning Admission of Refugees and Nationals of Six Countries

Trump Issues New Executive Order Banning Admission of Refugees and Nationals of Six Countries
On March 6, 2017, President Trump signed a new Executive Order: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist entry into the United States. The new Executive Order (EO) bars the admission of refugees from all countries for a period of 120 days and bars the admission of certain nationals from six countries for a period of 90 days. The new EO will take effect on March 16, 2017. In the new EO, the...
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2976 Hits

Federal District Court blocks Trump’s Executive Order barring refugees and foreign nationals of certain countries from entering the United States

Federal District Court blocks Trump’s Executive Order barring refugees and foreign nationals of certain countries from entering the United States
  On January 30, 2017, the State of Washington filed suit in Federal District Court for the Western District of Washington, (State of Washington v. Trump) challenging the legality and constitutionality of President Trump’s Executive Order, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States.” The Executive Order bars the entry of refugees from any country in the world for a period of 120 days, bars Syrian refugees from...
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2767 Hits

Partner Jennifer Casey Speaks at AILA Rome District Chapter Conference in Amsterdam

Partner Jennifer Casey Speaks at AILA Rome District Chapter Conference in Amsterdam
Between October 18-20, 2016, Partner Jennifer Casey had the privilege of attending the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) Rome District’s 2016 Fall Conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The AILA Rome District Chapter serves U.S. immigration attorneys practicing abroad, with a focus on attorneys practicing in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and the issues that clients seeking to obtain both immigrant and nonimmigrant visas to the United States frequently face. The AILA...
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  2790 Hits
2790 Hits

Are you feeling lucky? It’s Diversity Visa Lottery Time!

Are you feeling lucky?  It’s Diversity Visa Lottery Time!
The Diversity Visa Lottery is a congressionally mandated system that provides immigrant visas to randomly selected individuals from regions and countries around the globe with historically low numbers of immigrants to the United States. For Fiscal Year 2018 (which runs from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018), 50,000 immigrant visa numbers are available to individuals and qualified family members from qualifying countries if those individuals register for the Diversity Visa....
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  3789 Hits
3789 Hits

State Department Visa Revocations for DUI Arrests

State Department Visa Revocations for DUI Arrests
“The driver is safer when the roads are dry, the roads are safer when the driver is dry.” Certainly true. For individuals who have entered the United States on non-immigrant visas, I would also add “the driver’s non-immigrant visa is safer when the driver is dry.” Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol is serious, it can jeopardize your life and safety. It can jeopardize the lives and safety of those...
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6704 Hits

New Regulations Published for J-1 Exchange Teachers

New Regulations Published for J-1 Exchange Teachers
The United States Department of State has issued a final rule change, effective February 29, 2016, which codifies new regulations affecting the Teacher category of the J-1 Exchange Visitor Program. The Teacher category of the J-1 Exchange Visitor Program permits foreign teachers to teach full-time at accredited public or private primary or secondary schools (K-12 and Pre-K) and in some language immersion programs offered by accredited primary schools. In addition to other...
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3240 Hits

Changes to Visa Waiver Program begin to take effect

Changes to Visa Waiver Program begin to take effect
The U.S. Government has begun implementing changes to the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) that were included in the 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act. With the changes to the VWP, people from the 38 Countries designated for the VWP (mostly western European countries) and who are also nationals of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Sudan will no longer be eligible for entry into the United States under the VWP. Dual nationals of a Visa...
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3396 Hits

DOS Revises New Visa Bulletin for October 2015 – Many Employment Based Beneficiaries Negatively Impacted

DOS Revises New Visa Bulletin for October 2015 – Many Employment Based Beneficiaries Negatively Impacted
As previously reported, on September 9, 2015, the U.S. Department of State (DOS) and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) announced an important change to the visa processing system in the United States. Under the new scheme, the the agencies announced that beginning in October 2015 the monthly DOS Visa Bulletin would contain two (2) separate charts for each of the Employment Based and Family Based Visa Preference categories. The new...
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  3700 Hits
3700 Hits

USCIS Announces Changes to Immigrant Fee Processing System

USCIS Announces Changes to Immigrant Fee Processing System
Today, August 31, 2015, USCIS announced that it has simplified the payment process for the USCIS Immigrant Fee. Since February 2013, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) has charged an “Immigrant Fee” of $165.00 USD to individuals entering the United States on an immigrant visa. Individuals who apply for and receive an Immigrant Visa by processing their visa application at a U.S. Embassy or Consular Post abroad are required to...
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  4952 Hits
4952 Hits

State Department announces that U.S. Embassies and Consulates are back online

visa image
The U.S. Department of State has announced that the worldwide "Visa Freeze" is over, and U.S. Embassies and Consulates around the world are able once again to schedule visa interviews and issue U.S. visas. The State Department expects that the backlog of cases should be cleared by this week. The separate problems with the online fee payment system and the online application for immigrant visas have not been resolved. The State...
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  3240 Hits
3240 Hits

State Department technological problems result in worldwide “Visa Freeze”

State Department technological problems result in worldwide “Visa Freeze”
The U.S. State Department has announced that due to a computer hardware failure, it is currently unable to issue most immigrant and nonimmigrant visas. The technical problem impacts visas that were approved on or after June 8, 2015. In addition, the State Department announced that due to the technical issue, visa applications filed on or after June 9, 2015 could not be scheduled for interview. Thus, in most cases, people who...
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  3029 Hits
3029 Hits

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Kolko & Casey, P.C. is a full service immigration and naturalization law firm providing professional legal services to individuals and businesses throughout Colorado, the Rocky Mountain West, the United States, and the World. Our professional staff speaks English, Spanish, Korean, and Portuguese and we can arrange for translators in any other language.