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Potential ICE Raids: Know Your Rights

Potential ICE Raids: Know Your Rights
  **Updated July 14, 2019 If you or your family members are impacted by ICE Raids, please call the Colorado Rapid Response Network for assistance 1-844-864-8341  There have been widespread reports this past weekend that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) may conduct raids throughout major cities in the United States, including Denver. The raids may target individuals who have been ordered removed/deported but remained in the United States. It is vital...
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  9312 Hits
9312 Hits

Extranjeros en EEUU tienen derechos legales en este pais

Extranjeros en EEUU tienen derechos legales en este pais
  El 25 de enero, 2017, Presidente Donald Trump hizo ordenes ejecutivas que aumentan el uso de expulsión rápida y detención de inmigrantes en EEUU. Gente en EEUU sin documentación o quienes podrían estar sospechados de no tener estatus legal en EEUU, deben saber del riesgo alto de estar parado y detenido por el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (“ICE” por sus siglas en ingles). Esa gente debe estar...
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  2888 Hits
2888 Hits

Know Your Rights!

Know Your Rights!
  Kolko & Associates, P.C. wants to remind every individual in the United States, including undocumented immigrants, of their legal rights if approached or interrogated by law enforcement, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).   We highlight the National Immigration Law Center’s Know Your Rights Advisement and take this opportunity to remind immigrants in the United States of their legal rights if they are approached or interrogated by an Immigration Officer:...
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  4961 Hits
4961 Hits

Know your rights during an Immigration Raid

Know your rights during an Immigration Raid
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has recently stepped up its immigration enforcement efforts. Starting this week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has begun conducting “immigration raids” across the country targeting individuals and families who have entered the United States within the last two years and who have an order of removal from the U.S. Immigration Court. Many non-citizens in United States can be caught up in these caught up in...
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  3361 Hits
3361 Hits

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Kolko & Casey, P.C. is a full service immigration and naturalization law firm providing professional legal services to individuals and businesses throughout Colorado, the Rocky Mountain West, the United States, and the World. Our professional staff speaks English, Spanish, Korean, and Portuguese and we can arrange for translators in any other language.