
An immigration raid is an onsite law enforcement search of a workplace by Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) or other law enforcement officials looking to apprehend and detain individuals in the United States without lawful immigration status. This article focuses on a workplace raid targeting employees for detention and does not address a Department of […]

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Español Throughout the campaign, Trump was clear about his intention to dramatically increase immigration enforcement, promising mass deportations on Day One. While it is unlikely that the new administration will have the ability to deport large numbers of people immediately after taking office, we will certainly see a significant shift in immigration enforcement, with all […]

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English Durante toda la campaña, Trump fue claro sobre su intención de aumentar drásticamente la aplicación de la ley migratoria, prometiendo deportaciones masivas desde el primer día. Aunque es poco probable que la nueva administración tenga la capacidad de deportar a un gran número de personas inmediatamente después de asumir el cargo, ciertamente veremos un […]

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In recent months the Trump Administration has terminated the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) Program for multiple countries and is reviewing the continued designation of several others. TPS for Hondurans was terminated and will only continue through July 5, 2018. The TPS designation for Nicaragua will terminate on January 5, 2019. TPS for individuals from Haiti […]

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On August 16, 2017, the City of Denver issued Ordinance 17-0940, New Denver Public Safety Enforcement Priorities Proposal. The proposed ordinance was created to protect immigrants and refugees in the midst of increased federal immigration enforcement. Local immigration advocates, policy directors, and community organizers worked closely with Denver City Council members and Mayor Hancock’s Office […]

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  On February 11, 2017, Managing Partner David Kolko appeared on the Craig Silverman Show on Denver’s KNUS 710 Radio to discuss U.S. immigration law and policy. Mr. Kolko and Mr. Silverman discussed the recent increase in immigration enforcement under the Trump Administration and other issues facing immigrants and the country today. Listen to Mr. […]

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  On January 25, 2017, President Donald Trump issued Executive Orders that dramatically expand the use of Expedited Removal Procedures (removal without a hearing in front of an Immigration Judge) and detention of immigrants in the USA. People in the USA without documentation, or who could be suspected of lacking documentation, should be aware of […]

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On January 25, 2017, President Donald Trump signed two Executive Orders, entitled “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States,” and “Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements.” The Executive Orders identify individuals who have entered the United States without inspection or admission as a significant threat to national security and public safety. The […]

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As of January 21, 2017, all U.S. employers are required to complete the new, updated Federal I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification Form, (version date November 14, 2016) for all newly hired employees. The new form I-9 can be found at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) website. Please do be sure that your company’s Human […]

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This week, Managing Partner David Kolko was featured in Law Week Colorado to provide insight into the potential changes we might see in the field of immigration law under a Trump Administration. In Tony Flesor’s Law Week Colorado article, “Election Reactions,”  Mr. Kolko states: “it’s not clear exactly what changes Donald Trump might execute when […]

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